v0.7 20230106 Hamlib rigctl compatible TCP server added. Not yet completed, but works with WSJTX, GRIG, FLDIGI and other programs. Rewritten dbuV to S units conversion code. Modified doc build script to use the files in the man folder. V0.6 20220626 TButtons and TBitButtons replaced with TJButtons from the jujibo package by Julio Jiménez Borreguero which made it possible to unify the look of the program in all supported OS and merge all source trees into one. Some TLabels replaced with TJLabels from the same package. Resize code revised to avoid race conditions. TComboBox replaced with TComboBoxEx. Some minor cosmetic corrections in the control's placement. Activated Lazarus i18n feature and done italian translation. Added a frequency band scan window. Switched to using the Lazarus internal versioning system. Corrected a typo that made the "Mode" label invisible after certain commands. Added "Move to channel" and "Move to state" commands in the internal file manager. Added a "Font magnification" menu item. v0.5 2018128 TLabel & TStaticText OnMouseWheel used, now mouse wheel on frequency figures works also under Windows. S-Meter style changed. Conversion from dbmicrovolt to s-units added. v0.4 20160417 Multiple RX control added. Some minor revisions. v0.3 20140309 First near-complete version.